And here's my brother's part on property management in the presentation my father, brother and I gave to MAREI. (Here's my dad's part and my part's on acquisition and rehab.)
It's a long presentation, but for anyone interested in property management, I highly recommend checking this out:
Don't Make a Profit, Make a Fortune Presentation Series
Part 1: Be a Real Estate Wealth Builder (Bill Syrios) Part 2: Finding and Acquiring Real Estate (Andrew Syrios) Part 3: Maximizing Your Rehab Dollars (Andrew Syrios) Part 4: Value Enhancing Property Management Part 5: Finding Money for EVERY Real Estate Deal (Bill Syrios)
And here is part three in our presentation a couple years back on buy and hold real estate investing (here is Part 1 and Part 2). While I'm biased, I highly recommend checking it out if you're interested in real estate investment:
Don't Make a Profit, Make a Fortune Presentation Series
Part 1: Be a Real Estate Wealth Builder (Bill Syrios) Part 2: Finding and Acquiring Real Estate (Andrew Syrios) Part 3: Maximizing Your Rehab Dollars (Andrew Syrios) Part 4: Value Enhancing Property Management Part 5: Finding Money for EVERY Real Estate Deal (Bill Syrios)
And here's part two of my, my brother's and my father's presentation on buy and hold real estate: "Finding and Acquiring Real Estate." For Part 1, go here.
Don't Make a Profit, Make a Fortune Presentation Series
Part 1: Be a Real Estate Wealth Builder (Bill Syrios) Part 2: Finding and Acquiring Real Estate (Andrew Syrios) Part 3: Maximizing Your Rehab Dollars (Andrew Syrios) Part 4: Value Enhancing Property Management Part 5: Finding Money for EVERY Real Estate Deal (Bill Syrios)
We recently gave a presentation at MAREI on BRRRR as well as one on due diligence and property management. I will be posting those soon. But right now, I would like to post the 5-part presentation me, my brother and father gave for MAREI back in 2015.
This is the first one by my father Bill on getting the right mindset to become a real estate investor. If you're interested in becoming a real estate investor, I highly recommend (yes, I know I'm biased) you check out these presentations:
Don't Make a Profit, Make a Fortune Presentation Series
Part 1: Be a Real Estate Wealth Builder (Bill Syrios) Part 2: Finding and Acquiring Real Estate (Andrew Syrios) Part 3: Maximizing Your Rehab Dollars (Andrew Syrios) Part 4: Value Enhancing Property Management Part 5: Finding Money for EVERY Real Estate Deal (Bill Syrios)
As I've noted several times before (like here and here) this whole Russiagate thing was a fairly transparent hoax. Whether you like Trump or hate him (and I am not particularly fond of him), you should be very, very nervous about the intelligence agencies of our country being weaponized against the President on incredibly flimsy grounds.
We have now had an investigation in the Congress that cleared Trump of collusion and an investigation in the Senate that cleared Trump of collusion and now a Special Counsel (of which 13 of the 18 prosectors were registered Democrats) cleared Trump of collusion. As Attorney General William Barr's letter said that he and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein (who appointed the Special Counsel) found that "the evidence does not establish that the President was involved in an underlying crime related to Russian election interference." Yeah, no shit. The most obvious hoax in American history turned out to be a hoax. Now we'll see the Left beg for the whole report to be released to find some nugget of corruption. Or just pretend it never happened and focus on the Southern District of New York. But what rings true is that after over two years and millions of dollars; zero, count 'em, zero Americans have been charged with colluding with Russia to steal the 2016 election. This whole thing was a fraud! This should go down with the "Iraq has WMD" as a complete indictment of the mainstream press. And unlike last time, when every neocon warmonger got promoted after their lies became apparent, there need to be consequences. People must be fired. Hell, they should be banned from social media. Remember, these same networks are the one's that demanded Alex Jones be kicked off all social media for pushing conspiracy theories and fake news. We should hold them to their own standard! But for now, just listen to these pathetic copes. Here's tinfoil hat-wearing Rachael Maddow on the edge of tears:
Here's Chris Matthews throwing a temper tantrum that Bob Mueller didn't have a sit down interview with Trump and instead just let him write answers. I mean they had a sit down interview with Hillary! (And let her say "I don't recall" on 21 of 25 questions and had already decided to exonerate her, but no matter).
Here's Bill Maher saying that "I don't need the Mueller report to know Trump is a traitor." OK Bill...
Remember, Trump's rhetoric is divisive.
And while the Left throws Mueller under the bus, please don't forget they use to talk about him like he was the Messiah, see this cringe for example:
If you're curious as to why the Left (and many #NeverTrumpers) can't just accept the obvious fact that there was no collusion. (And no, a 30-minute meeting about Russian adoptions doesn't count as collusion.) This article should help. As the author notes, "In a new study, David Gal and Derek Rucker from Northwestern University have found that when people’s confidence in their beliefs is shaken, they become stronger advocates for those beliefs." But give credit where credit is due. At least CNN's Jeffrey Toobin didn't fall into that trap. He summed it up pretty well,"it's over."
My new article for REIClub is up. In fact, this is the first REIClub article I've written in several years despite having written many articles for them. And this one (surprise, surprise) is on due diligence, particularly due diligence for apartments. The article contains all sorts of tips on due diligence when buying apartments, including to "walk every unit" because Some real estate agents and sellers will tell you it’s OK to walk every other unit or every third. This is terrible advice, do not follow it! If you only view every other unit, what are the odds the seller will show you the best units versus the odds they will show you the worst? It is critical to know the condition of each unit, even if there are 100 of them. Often words from the seller like “new furnaces” or “new appliances” only apply to a small number of the units. If you're looking to get into apartment investing, please check this article out.
My new article on everything you need to know about hard money loans is up at This one I was able to write with the help of Taryn Kendrick at Worcester Financial. (If you are looking for a hard money loan in Kansas City, make sure to check them out.) There's a lot to go over, but in brief, as I describe in the piece, a hard money lender is, ...much more interested in the asset than the borrower borrowing against that asset [than a traditional lender]. And thus, as you might expect, hard money loans are usually quite a bit more expensive than a standard bank loan. Usually a hard money lender will charge 3 to 5 points and 12 to 15% interest. Even still, especially for flippers, there are times when it makes sense to take out a hard money loan. For such times and how to obtain such a loan, check the article out.
I haven't written a piece for in a long time, but I was inspired to make the case that it shouldn't just be libertarians and bleeding heart liberals (at least before Trump) who oppose war. Conservatives should oppose, and indeed have opposed, war. Right off the bat and contrary to popular belief, the Left has generally speaking during the 20th century, been more pro war than the Right, A look back through American history quickly shows that at least the mainstream Left has been far more hawkish than the Right. Going all the way back to the Spanish-American War, progressive and feminist leader Elizabeth Cady Stanton said, "Though I hate war per se, I am glad that it has come in this instance. I would like to see Spain… swept from the face of the earth." And especially with regards to foreign adventurism to "export democracy," conservatives should look at such notions with extreme skepticism. After all, this type of thinking is utterly utopian; which should be seen as an idea of the Left. As Russell Kirk put it, Human nature suffers irremediably from certain grave faults, the conservatives know. Man being imperfect, no perfect social order ever can be created. Because of human restlessness, mankind would grow rebellious under any utopian domination, and would break out once more in violent discontent – or else expire of boredom. To seek for utopia is to end in disaster. So conservatives: Reject utopian thinking, reject war and please check the piece out.
Check out my recent interview with Dan Lane on The Rental Income Podcast. In it, we discuss due diligence (my latest kick) and go over the in-depth article I wrote for BiggerPockets on the subject.
And while you're at it, check out my previous appearances on The Rental Income Podcast (from my understanding, I'm the only person to ever appear on his podcast three times): - Buy Rentals With None of His Own Money - Moving to Kansas City to Buy Rental Properties And my brother Phillip's episode with Dan as well: - Tips to Manage Your Properties Better
Check out my dad's speech on how to build a real estate empire that he gave at the Real Estate Investing Association in Eugene, OR a few years ago. (The video has gone semi-viral by the way and now has 167,000 views!)
And here's the Questions and Answers section:
Andrew Syrios"Every day is a new life to the wise man." Archives
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