The Federal Reserve and Treasury Department have simply unleashed helicopter money QE Infinity on the United States and while it might be necessary, it will certainly have consequences. The total amounts to a mind-boggling $6 trillion ($2 trillion in fiscal stimulus and $4 trillion in Federal Reserve actions). Unprecedented to say the least! Seeking Alpha makes a very strong case that inflation is on the way in an important article, the summary of which reads, Over the last three weeks, the M2 money supply has exploded by a whopping $532 billion. After all, the United States is running a huge deficit, so where is this money going to come from other than for it to just be printed by the Federal Reserve?
(Crisis management, by the way, is another good reason not to run peacetime deficits. Oh wait, did I say peacetime? Well, this is probably another good reason not to be running seven low-intensity wars at the same time for no good reason. But that's the topic of another article.) Anyways, it would probably be a good time to start considering the purchase of some inflation hedges.
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