My new article for American Thinker is up. The article takes on Don Lemon, the ADL and many on the Left's contention that conservatives and particularly those evil, toxic white men are the biggest terrorists. As Don Lemon so contradictory put it, “So we have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right, and we have to start doing something about them.” Good Lord Don... Good Lord...
Anyways, the article takes on Don's contention and an ADL study showing that Right-Wing extremists made up 74% of domestic terrorist killings between 2007 and 2016. This means that Right-Wing extremists is the biggest problem. Aside by the problem that the ADL only counted 372 people killed, which is a very small number. But they also don't appear to know what "per capita" means. There are a bunch of other problems with this study and the idea that extremism exists only on the Right. (Think about Antifa, James Hodgkinson and the Dallas shooting of five police officers.) That being said, the comment section seemed to prove, once again, that polarization is increasing rapidly in this country. Alt Right extremist types are from the Left because they believe in big government. (In some ways, this is true, in others, not so much.) Many were upset that my balanced approach wasn't more along the lines of "actually, all of the extremism is on the Left!" Not that the Left is any better, of course. In fact, they're far worse. But things are looking bad if we want to actually heal the divide in this country. P.S. I note that "a communist" killed JFK. My original draft noted that if you believe the conspiracies on JFK, you should check the conspiracy theories for Oklahoma City out. I don't really buy either, but I will note that I'm by no means confident in the so-called "official version" for either. Anyways, check out the article here.
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