After the horrific shooting in Las Vegas, it would seem the Left's second biggest concern (behind gun control, which is completely understandable) is calling this guy a terrorist.
After all, in a murder spree that almost only killed white people, it's proof that white people are, as Feministing writer Mahroh Jahangiri eloquently put it " white men are terrorists.white men are terrorists.white men are terrorists.white men are terrorists. whites are the biggest terrorists." These seem to be pretty standard sentiments, even if the whole "white men are terrorists" meme is mostly wrong. Indeed, an old friend of mine noted on Facebook that this was a white terrorists attack and the only reason it wasn't called as such was "white privledge." Again, I'll note almost only white people were killed. But the thing is, "mass murder" and "atrocity" are not the same thing as terrorism. Terrorism has a definition. And it is as follows, "noun: terrorism. The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims." If it's not political, it's not terrorism. It doesn't matter how bad it was. So Dylan Roof committed terrorism whereas Adam Lanza did not, even though Lanza killed more. And unless you believe ISIS, we have no idea what this guy's motives were. We definitely should have a discussion on guns and mental health, but for the love of God leave the race baiting aside.
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